(Aliken khan) Aliken khan (Ali-Akbar, Shaleken) was the youngest son of Karabas sultan, great grandson of Koshek khan, one of kazakh khans who was elected by aqsaqals (veterans), batyrs, beys and ascendants of Turkestan and its outskirts during rebellion in 1853–1861 against Kokand khanate in South Kazakhstan. The year of his birth is unknown, approximate year of death after 1859. Years of ruling from year 1858 to approximately 1860 (Erofeeva, 1997: 95). Aliken Ali-akbar khan was the ninth son of Janibek khan, founder of Kazakh khanate. He was from Djadik dynasty. His father, Karabas Mohamad sultan headed konyrat tribes in fourth quarter of ХVIII century. According to family tree organized by A.G. Olovintsov and G.Zh. Tabuldin his origin as follows: Ondan sultan – Koshek sultan – Tursyn khan – Koshek (Kosmambet) khan – Synkai sultan – Karabas sultan – Tugai khan And Ali-Akbar (Aliken) khan. As per famous poet Mayly Qozha: “Ali-Akbar and Togay khan’s brother had one grandfather with different mothers” (Sultanqojauly, 2010: 203). Ali-akbar lived in XIX century, in difficult times for Kazakh people. More than once had Aliken army fought with Kokands and in 1858 attempted to free Turkestan. The newly elected khan demanded to return Turkestan to Kazakh people, declaring that when Togai, his sibling, ruled Turkestan 35 years ago, Kokands seiged the city of his brother. However, he failed to return Turkestan due to the fact that famous kazakh figures were kept in the city as hostages: kokands detained such konyrat beys as Konys datks, Askak datka and karaul datka, coming from Senior zhuz, as well as Tubakabyl from kypshaks during their hadj to mausoleum of Khodja Ahmed Yasawi. On May 15, rebels headed by Aliken attacked the city fortress. But Kokands had a numerical superiority, who fired at rebels from main guns. For a month had Kazakh army kept Turkestan surrounded, but failed to siege. On June 3, under the leadership of myrza Niyaz, Kokand army in Turkestan tried to break the siege of Kazakh army but suffered heavy losses. There is some evidence that Kokands lost about 500–800 warriors. Russian letters of June 20, 1858 said: “Kongrad Khan with his militia troops still stands beneath Turkestan walls”, which means that “Konyrat khan” Aliken still surrounds Turkestan (KAZAKH KHANS 2015: 224, 209). Aliken had negotiations with Bukhara khanate with the purpose of establishment of the Union against Kokand khanate and Russian colonialism. Unfortunately, historians don’t know about futher Aliken’s life. Some histroians consider that he died during one-two year period after those events. At least, his name doesn’t mention in historical records after year 1859. From the chronological standpoint, Aliken was the last khan, elected by Kazakh tribes. He was buried in mausoleum of Khodja Ahmed Yasawi.

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