«Әзірет Сұлтан» мемлекеттік тарихи-мәдени музей-қорығы» РМҚК республикамыздағы іргелі музейлердің бірі. Музей ақын, ислам дінінің көрнекті жаршысы, «Түркістан пірі» атанған ғұлама Қожа Ахмет Ясауи (Әзірет Сұлтан) құрметіне арнап ХIV ғасырдың соңында Әмір Темір салдырған кесене негізінде Түркістан қаласында 1977 жылы 28 наурызда «Республикалық Қожа Ахмет Ясауи кесенесі сәулет ғимараты музейі» ретінде ашылды.
The northern facade of the mausoleum is bordered with two three-quarter corner and consists of three parts: a portal, a wall to the right of portal and wall to the left of portal. The length…
In the center of the western wall of the mosque there is a unique mihrab, executed in carved mosaic. Its width is 2.5 m and the height 3.7 m. On the П-shaped framing, in the…
The inscription on the frieze begins at the western minaret and extends along the entire length of the western, northern and eastern facades. The height of the epigraphic frieze is 2.6 m, its overall length…
Monument of Republican significance. Located 40 meters from the southeastern tower of the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. As a result of archaeological research carried out by B.N. Nemtsova in 1958, T.N. Senigova in 1974,…
One of the mosques of the madrasah, which worked in the first half of the twentieth century in the city of Turkistan, and remained in the memory of residents as the Jaudir ana mosque. It…
A sacred object located at the foot of the Karatau. The mausoleum consists of two stone rooms with two openings. In 2010, the foundations of the old mausoleum were filled with concrete, and the walls…
It is located 21 km north-west of the city of Turkestan, in the center of the Kosmezgil village of the Shornak rural district. Information about the settlement is found in the monograph «Drevniy Otrar» called…
The monument is located on the eastern side of the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. The report on the excavations carried out by the historian, archaeologist N.B. Nemtseva around the mausoleum of Khoja Akhmed Yasawi…
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