The republican public headquarters of the candidate for President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Tokayev Kasym-Zhomart Kemelovich, arrived in holy Turkestan. During a trip to Turkestan, a group of the Republican public headquarters , the…
Read MoreAt the initiative of the Department of tourism and external relations of Turkestan region, a solemn event in the field of tourism «Best tourism-2018″was held. The meeting was attended by Deputy akim of the region…
Read MoreIn the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum “Azret Sultan” a medieval historical well was opened. In the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi, a well, founded in the XIV century, was used for drinking. As it…
Read MoreIn Astana, the concert hall “Astana” hosted a concert of well-known Kazakh composers Serikzhan and Alibi Abdinurov “Azret Kongan Turkіstan” organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of…
Read MoreToday, in the concert hall of Astana, the exhibition “Elbasy and Turkestan”, organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum “Azret Sultan”, dedicated to the…
Read MoreAugust 29, 2018 in the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the opening ceremony of the exhibition «Pearls of Turkestan» was held, dedicated to significant dates: the 20th anniversary of the capital of our…
Read MoreAugust 28 birthday of the state and public figure Uzbekali Zhanibekov. This date was dedicated to the event, which took place in the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Azret Sultan». Companions, relatives of Uzbekali Zhanibekov…
Read MoreTaikazan was cast in the village of Karnak in 1399. Master, Abdilaziz ibn Sharaf-ad-din Tabrizi. Weight of Cauldron- 2 tons, capacity 3 litres, the diameter is 242 cm, the diameter of the platform -60,7 cm.…
Read More«Laucha»- top tip of the flag from bronze, with a wooden handle. Length 8 metres, height-98cm weight 5 kg. The Central part is engraved with Arabic plants ornament which you can read both sides equally.…
Read MoreТоргово-экономические, политические и гуманитарные отношения между Казахстаном и Узбекистаном в последнее время небывалый подъем, и открытие 11 апреля в Государственном музее искусств г. Ташкента выставки «Великая Степь: история и культура» содействует новому пониманию Казахстана в…
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