Laucha ХIV с

«Laucha»- top tip of the flag from bronze, with a wooden handle. Length 8 metres, height-98cm weight 5 kg. The Central part is engraved with Arabic plants ornament which you can read both sides equally.


On two sides of the top as the argali horn of Laucha written 4 names of khilafahs.

  1. Abu Bakir Siddyk-1st khilafahs
  2. Omar Faruh-2nd khilafah
  3. Osman Affan-3rd khilafah
  4. Ali-ul-Murtaza-4th khilafah

The inscription of the central part Laucha engraved in the form of plants which can be read from both sides. It says:

«There is no God but Allah,
Muhammad is his Prophet.»

Long handle of Laucha fixed with tree and it is similar to the inscription and engraving of lamps of the mausoleum.

«This miracle was made by order of a wise ruler and honest Amir Timur Guran. May Allah make his Kingdom eternal.».

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Золотые узы дружбы: культурная миссия Алтын Адам в Узбекистане

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Taikazan ХIV с