With the support of the Culture Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the “Azret Sultan” National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve has been jointly organizing numerous events with various…
Read MoreToday, at the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Azret Sultan», the museum staff held a meeting with the representative of the Turkestan Regional Anti-Corruption Department, Master of Law Abuova Nurjahan Yermakhanbetovna. The representative conducted an…
Read MoreToday in the West Kazakhstan region in the historical and local lore museum organised by the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Aziret Sultan», the grand opening of the travelling exhibition «Khoja Ahmet Yasawi and historical…
Read MoreToday, the “Әзірет Сұлтан” National Historical and Cultural Museum -Reserve hosted a special cultural event dedicated to the 15th of November -the day of the national currency — tenge and the professional holiday of employees of the financial system(October6).In the museum»History of Turkestan», a historicalarchitecturalmonument of the XIXcenturyaspart of the museum-reserve,data…
Read MoreThe traveling exhibition of the «Әзірет Сұлтан» Museum-Reserve, dedicated to the heritage and teachings of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, continued in the school-gymnasium named after M. Zhumabayev No. 15 in Turkestan. We noticed that the students…
Read MoreEarlier, wereportedthatstartingthisschoolyear, schoolchildren of ourcityhad the opportunity to honetheirknowledge by visiting the Yasawitanu clubat the “Әзірет Сұлтан” NationalMuseum-Reserve, the “YoungArchaeologists”, “YoungGuides”, and “YoungRestorers”clubs. The previouslesson of the Yasawitanu clubwason the topic»the legendassociatedwithKhojaAhmedYasawi». The nextlessonwasdevoted to…
Read MoreKassym-Jomart Tokayev and Emmanuel Macron visited the exhibition «Kazakhstan: The Great steppe masterpieces» at the Gime Museum of Asian Art Artifacts covering the main history of Kazakhstan are presented in the exposition. For example, in…
Read MoreThe work of the Circle in the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Әзірет Сұлтан» is scheduled for Tuesdays and Wednesdays of every week. Another lesson of the «Young restorer» club was held today. Edil Mutashev,…
Read MoreThe chief editor of the scientific and educational journals «Cultural heritage» and «Kazyna» of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Yskakov visited the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Әзірет Сұлтан » on a…
Read MoreToday in the Aktau city, in the Mangistau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore named after A. Kekilbaev, a grand opening of the republican traveling exhibition of «Khoja Akhmed Yasawi and the genealogy of…
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