Earlier, wereportedthatstartingthisschoolyear, schoolchildren of ourcityhad the opportunity to honetheirknowledge by visiting the Yasawitanu clubat the “Әзірет Сұлтан” NationalMuseum-Reserve, the “YoungArchaeologists”, “YoungGuides”, and “YoungRestorers”clubs. The previouslesson of the Yasawitanu clubwason the topic»the legendassociatedwithKhojaAhmedYasawi». The nextlessonwasdevoted to the topic of creativity. The studentsdrewcharacters of differentimages with a brush,which they listened to intwolectures. The lecturewasorganizedin the center of the museum-reserve. The creativelesson was conducted by juniorresearcherT.Orazov.Thelesson was attended by students of grades6-7 of secondaryschool No.14named after Kazybekbi,secondaryschoolnamed after M.Poshanov,boardingschool for development,secondaryschoolNo.24.Drawing»Amanatkurma»by Yesenalimurat Karakat, a student of the 6thgrade of the Damuboardingschool,drawing»the firstmiracle of KhojaAhmedYasawi»by Imanbai Almas, a student of the 7thgrade of theM.Poshanovcomprehensiveschool,drawing»AmanatKurmasy» by AmanturUlkausar, a student of the 7thgrade of thecomprehensiveschool. Poshanova,figureNo.24 of AbdullahSaidrahman’s painting»the firstmiracle of KhojaAhmedYasawi», a student of the 7thgrade of the school,wererated by expertsas the best. The nextlesson of the centerwill be organized on November27thisyear. The lecture will be conducted by the inspector of the museum-reserveA.Tursunon the topic»Historicalmonuments of the region».
Berik KYSTAUBAEVICH, Head of the department