The scientific and educational expedition «In the footsteps of Yasavi», organized by the State Historical and Cultural Museum-reserve «Azret Sultan», visited the mausoleums of Khoja Ahmet Yasavi’s brother Sadyr shayyk and his famous descendants in the Kyzylorda region.

Based on historical data, Ibrahimuly Sadir shayyq was also religious. But the fact that he received a special education, came to Turkestan from Sairam, then became the main imam of the city of Ozgent along the Syr Darya, is known only from folk legends and legends. Sadyr shaiyk was buried near Koylaki Lake in the village of Kozhameknt in Zhanakorgan district. «Today we visited the grave of Sadir Shayyq, read the Koran, and are working to learn more about his history. It is known from historical sources that Ibrahim shayyq had two sons-Sadir and Ahmet. Recently, information about the relatives of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is not distributed so often. Our goal is to update information about the personality of Khoja Ahmet Yasavi, who is common to all Turkic peoples, as much as possible, research, search for new information, promote this data among the population, and leave full-fledged information for posterity. There are many legends about why Sadyr shayyk moved to Zhanakorgan district. According to some sources, when the son of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi Ibrahim Sultan dies at the hands of one person at a young age, he changes his place of residence because of the bitterness of the loss. According to other sources, in order to prevent revenge, internecine strife, Yasavi personally moved his own brother Sadyr to Zhanakorgan. From this it becomes clear that the brothers were primarily concerned about the peace of the people, about the well-being of the people. While respecting Ahmet Yasawi, we should not forget about his relatives. The story of his only brother remains in oblivion, «says Nurbolat Akhmetzhanov, director of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve» Azret Sultan».

At the moment, Sadyr Shayyk’s grave is left unattended, and not even taken under state protection. It is quite difficult to get to it because of the ancient graves. The grave was fenced with white bricks and a tombstone was installed by the descendants of Sadyr Shayyk.

«Sadir shaiyq is the eldest son of Ibrahim Baba. His descendants live in Zhanakorgan. Among them are many saints, batyrs and orators. Sadyr shayyk was also called «Kyluetti Shayyk». He is the brother of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi. Unfortunately, his identity remains unaddressed. A four-sided mausoleum of white brick was built over his grave. The lake next to his grave is called Koilaki. It is named after the grandson of Sadyr Shaik Maulan Safi-ad-din Oryn Koilaki, who was raised by Ahmet Yasawi. On the other side of the lake is the grave of Koilaki, » says Nabikhan Shalapov, director of the Zhanakorgan Regional Museum of Local History.

To the mausoleum of Sadyr Shayyk, who lived in the XI-XII centuries, it is necessary to pave the way, turn this place into a tourist object, promote the history of his life. With such recommendations, the State Historical and Cultural Museum-reserve «Azret Sultan» appealed to the local authorities. Members of the scientific and educational expedition «In the footsteps of Yasavi» visited the mausoleums of Sadyr Shayyk’s grandson, one of the most beloved students and followers of Ahmet Yasavi — Maulan Safi-ad-din Oryn Koylaki and Usen Shayyk, Kara Shayyk and Baimen kozh.

The Nasabnam manuscripts say that Khoja Ahmet Yasawi gave his place to his nephew Maulan Safi ad-din Oryn Koilaki before his death. He lived to be 93 years old. And 50 of them he communicated with Kyzyr, Ilyas. The local population calls Safi ad-din shayyk «Koylaki ata». The lake is named after him. In the years of drought, he struck the ground with his staff and the water came out. So, according to the legend, the Koilaki Lake appeared. Then he was buried near it. His father Danyshpan kozha lived in the XII-XIII centuries.

The graves of the followers of Ahmet Yasavi, brothers Usen Shayyk and Kara Shayyk are located in the village of Tugisken in Akkorgan rural district.

Akkorgan is both the name of the land and the name of the settlement. Next to the grave is the site of a ruined medieval town. Nearby are the graves of his descendants.

Akkorgan villages originate from Yerzhak Baba, and his descendants — Sadyr shayyk, Safuaddin shayyk, who lived in the XV-XVII centuries Usen shayyk and Kara shayyk.

Usen shayyk and Kara shayyk are the children of Bahuaddin shayyk.

The descendants of Sadyr Shayyk had abilities, the last representative lived in the XIX century, died in the 30s of the XX century-Baimen kozha. Baimene kozhe’s real name is Baimuhammad. It belongs to the descendants of Kara Shayyk. He had the gift of healing and foresight.

During the trip, a lot of previously unknown material and legends were collected.

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