Documentary and animated films are shot by the Kazakhfilm and Ontustikіfilm studios are regularly broadcast to pilgrims and tourists on the sidelines of the Khoja Ahmed Yasavi mausoleum. Each visitor who visited «Azret Sultan» the state historical-cultural reserve-museum, expresses his gratitude for visiting historical films.

Within the framework of the initiative, which started from 2016, documentaries about Turkestan were shown, and in 2018-2019 they show feature films «Almas Gylysh», «Nomads», «Zhauzhurek 1000 balls», animated films «Kltegіn», «Mұzbala» , «Kөne құmıranyң syry», «Kazhymұқan», «Kazak Yelі», «Otyrard Korgau», «Turkestan» and «Oқsyz».

“The shows are interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Guests who came from far and near abroad, having a rest at one moment can watch our films. On average, about 200-300 visitors a day visit our modest cinema hall, ”said the deputy director of “ Azret Sultan ” the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum Murat Tastanbekov.

It should be noted that on the basis of the draft of the head of state N.A.Nazarbayev “Digital Kazakhstan” developed in digital format and in three languages a list of Kazakh han-sultans and bi-abyz, batyrs and personalities buried in the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasavi, including 2 information offices, mini-cinema and 3D tour. The mobile application of the updated official site of the «Azret Sultan» reserve-Museum was also launched.

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In «Azret Sultan» the reserve-museum an exhibition «The Holy City — through the eyes of children» was held

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Alik Shpekbayev acquainted with «Azret Sultan» the museum-reserve