Tursyn khan was son of Kudaymende sultan from Djadik dynasty and grandson of Kushyk (Koshyk) khan, he ruled in 1712–1717 on the land around Turkestan and territory of middle reaches of the Syr Darya. He controlled konyrat and partly naiman tribes of Middle zhuz, and Senior zhuz tribes (the names are unknown). He possessed over human settlements along Syr Darya river in Ikan city and its outskirts. Migration zone of administered tribal located in South-Kazakhstan region, in outskirts of Turkestan city, human settlements on the territory of middle reaches of the Syr Darya (Erofeeva, 1997: 73). It may be presumed that migration routes of tribes on that territory covered areas between Karatau ranges and middle reaches of the Syr Darya, in the south up to Arys river, in the west to Turkestan. Other sources say that Tursyn was the chosen khan during Tauke khan ruling and was in charge of Kazakh tribes against Dzungarian aggression. He approximately died in 1717 in Ikan city. That is why there is the view that his grave in Turkestan in mausoleum of Khodja Ahmed Yasawi. The written sources contain names of his sons, Barak and Koshik (Kushik) sultans. The other sources say that his possessions bordered with Kalmyk possessions. It can thus be presumed that they talk about Kazakh uluses to the south-east, located on the territory of Zhetysu. The documents of Senior zhuz Kazakh ambassadors dated 1734 says: “Tursyn was the khan of “Shymyr – Dulat” tribe (Artykbaev, 2001: 134).