At the site of the council, organized by the host of the minutes-a bodybuilder-the main protocol-muse» otret Sultan » of the Ministry of Sports and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, theoretical facts about the ulcer of ten more agency employees in the area of Yasavi and its surroundings were selected.
— Based on the advice created with modest use-culinary assistant-museum-Az Sultan», sufficient approvals are subject to a thorough examination, appropriate to the isistors and those taking part. Faced with the khans-sultans, batyrs, the desert, abducted by the obvious Akhmedawi, there may still be peaceful unknowns. At present, a comprehensive research work is being conducted in this direction.
And today, the relevant work was carried out to announce the biography of the events that were included in the list, as a result of which data and information were collected about this situation. In addition, well-known sites provide information about people who are not popular in this list. In the near future, this issue will be resolved. Also during the meeting, Konirshunak Eremenko was transferred to the greater batyrs from the category of holy people buried in the area. Looking at what at one time would have been a small scribes about batyreides Sovetuly,» said Nurbyuhum Akhmetyanov, director of the State Labor and Emotional Center — Museum «Azretan».
According to the members of the Council,according to the statement made by M. Tuyakbayev, to date, the list of people buried in the area of the riverbed of User Ahmed and its circumference includes such personalities as Zhivbary Khan (Sa’ad Auli), Abdullah khan, Bibi Hisab, Kazybek bi, Sean bi, Ablay khan, Sonya khan, Kokras, Auli Khan, Auli Khan, Hanif Khan, Ilyas Khan. We can’t stand the same food [tired of eating the same thing].
— in the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum «Azret Sultan» there is a manuscript that describes the rules of pilgrimage. After visiting the mausoleum of H. A. Yasavi in 1907, Sadik Sapabekuly compiled a manuscript according to the rules of pilgrimage. The author relied on his own order of pilgrimage, which indicates the performance of two rakyat namaz, reading Surahs «Fatiha», «Al-Ikhlas», «Al-Kursi», «Al-Mulk», a sip of water from a well and a visit to the place of cooking «Halim-Aba», the mosque «Halawat» and the burial places of notable people, including Zholbarys Khan (Sa’d Aulie), Bagdizan Ak Topyrak aulie, Markadi Munnawara Paklar (Khoja Ahmed Yasawi), Abdilla Khan, Bibi Hisab, Kazybek bi, Sean bi, Abylai Khan, Sweenish Khan, Kokyras Khan, Aulie Khan, Shornagat Khan, Iliyas khan, Fam gashik zikirshi, Shihab al-din Sarwar, Ali Khoja Ata, Shaikh Najim al-din, Baba Garib, Undemes ata, Jeti Ata, Ushbas Ata, Sultan Ibrahim, Imam Marguzi-Kok tondy Ata, Koshshi Ata (Kushata), Gauhar Ana, Arystan bab. Sadik Sapabekovich saw all these places during his visit to Turkestan and dedicated a prayer for the repose of the deceased in the mausoleum. They show that Fam gashyk zikirshi and Ushbas Ata are buried here. And Jamila is actually the stepdaughter of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. This is also stated in the report on the work on the study of the Gauhar ana mausoleum, » says Marat Kymyzuly, Candidate of Historical Sciences, scientist.
According to the members of the Academic Council, in the work of M. E. Masson «Mausoleum of H. A. Yasevi», one can find information that in 1896 «in the city of Turkestan, not far from the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasavi, there is the grave of his daughter Zhamal khanim, and in the distance from the mausoleum there is the mausoleum of Gauhar-khushtaj». Other manuscripts also contain information about Jamila, the stepdaughter of Ahmed Yasawi. The scholar D. Kenzhetai also confirms that the «Nasabnam», kept in the house of a resident of Turkestan, Najimov Orazbai, mentions the daughter of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi named Jamal.
And in the sources about Shahabiddin Isfijabi (Hazrat mullah), who has not yet been included in the list, it is said that he came from Isfijab together with Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. In some accounts, he is also referred to as Yasawi’s teacher. The tombstone of Khoja Ali, one of the persons included in the list, is kept in the Small Aksaray Room. The inscription on the tombstone was translated by the textologist A. Derbisaliev in 1978-1980. There is an inscription: «Tashkent Mir Osmanbay-myrza Karimbay died in 1916».
Currently, the number of spiritual and religious personalities buried in the mausoleum has reached 51 people, the names of 17 Kazakh khans, 8 sultans, 23 biys, 63 batyrs, 5 holy mothers, 10 datkas and volost governors, 30 saints buried during the Timurid, Shaibanm and Kazakh Khanate dynasties are known.