The three-century-old cauldron, inherited from ancestors, was handed over to the museum

The traditional action «Gift to the Museum» was organized by the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Azret Sultan».
The purpose of this event is to draw public attention to the preservation of our national historical and cultural heritage. Promoting the preservation of historically significant and valuable items of state significance, artifacts of great figures of our people, forgotten in the country, and their transfer to museums.
During the «Gift to the Museum » campaign, scientists and historians, as well as residents of the city, presented about 30 valuable heritage items.

Among the heritages are the book «Tafsir», translated by the famous scientist Shaykh Suleiman Jamal, a centuries-old cauldron inherited from his ancestors, a coin with the name of Emir Temur of the Temurid state, minted in the Bukhara mint in the years 785-786 (1383-1385) and 832 (1428-1429), two pieces of drop-shaped, one piece of square-shaped coins of the Kokand Khanate, a rectangle shaped copper coins which are in circulation in small trade in the XVII century and numismatic relics of the kingdom of Russia, a portrait of Tanybay batyr Karson Beknazaruly, buried in the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, and a seal of the kozesh.

The three-century-old bronze cauldron brought by the Tanatarov family attracted the attention of visitors to the mausoleum. 75-year-old Asylbek Tanatarovich brought the inheritance with his sons and grandchildren. He decided to preserve the heritage of his ancestors in the Museum of the mausoleum. Many Kazakh good people have tasted food cooked in a bronze cauldron. Today, the descendants of these ancestors have become a great dynasty, with deep roots, educated and skillful, loyal and honored citizens of the country. Asylbek Tanataruly gave his blessing by transferring a valuable cauldron to the museum’s fund to preserve them forever.
The portrait of Tanybay batyr Karson Beknazaruly, buried in the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, also attracted the attention of visitors.
Batyr is a person who fought for the sacred land of the Kazakh people from 1670 to 1755. On the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the batyr’s birth, the president of the Public Foundation named after Karakesek Karson Beknazaruly Tanybay batyr A. Eszhanov presented an oil portrait of Sapar Khasenuly to the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi for future generations based on historical data.

Other exhibits presented as a gift to the museum have a deep history, have a different cognitive value.
«There are many ways to replenish the museum’s fund. One of them is to hold public events and invite people to donate historical artifacts to the museum fund. Museum gifts have become a traditional event in museums around the world. Most of the funds of all the largest museums in the world and currently about 400 museums in Kazakhstan consist of gifts given to the museum. Cultural values donated by private citizens to museums are one of the most important foundations for collecting and replenishing museum funds.
The purpose of the awarding ceremony to the museum is not to lose the national historical and cultural heritage, to contribute to the professional preservation of historically significant and valuable objects, artifacts of great people of our nation, «said Nurzhamal Oryntaykyzy, chief curator of the reserve-museum.

At present, 24,558 ancient artifacts are registered in the fund of the department of storage and accounting of the Fund, of which 13,640 are in the main fund, 10,918 in the scientific auxiliary fund. Most of them are historically valuable in the original.
The press service of the state historical and cultural museum-reserve «Azret Sultan»

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