August 28 birthday of the state and public figure Uzbekali Zhanibekov. This date was dedicated to the event, which took place in the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Azret Sultan». Companions, relatives of Uzbekali Zhanibekov and remembered his services to the people.

Uzbekali Zhanibekov was born on August 28, 1931 in the village of Sarykamys in the Otirar region of the South Kazakhstan region. State and socio-political figure, ethnographer, historian and great patriot of his people, made a significant contribution to the revival of the national culture of Kazakhs.

Aiganim Serim — sister of U. Zhanibekov

In the system of life priorities, he gave the first place to culture as the basis for the development of any society, ethnos. He made a revolution in the history of Kazakhstan, turning us the holiday of our ancestors — Nauryz. Perhaps, it was then, in the spring of 1988, that something changed in our minds, and we remembered our past.

In the late 70s, it was they who raised the question of the restoration of the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmet Yassaui, the historical and architectural monuments of the city of Otrar, and many other historical sites. Today in the museum of Yassau an exhibition dedicated to the life of Uzbeki Zhanibekov

Ainur Zhanysbayeva — guide

In the early 90-ies, under the leadership of Uzbekali Zhanibekov, the «Arkas» society was created, the main task of which was to preserve and restore the monuments of history and culture of Kazakhstan. It was thanks to him that the museum of Ahmet Yasawi was still preserved, the Central Museum of Kazakhstan was added to the exhibits, the National Museum of Musical Instruments was created in Kazakhstan.

So many books were published from the hand of Uzbekali Zhanibekov, including «Kazak clothes», «Echo …», «Culture of the Kazakh craft» and many others, he is also the compiler of the book «The First Ethnographers of Kazakhstan». But outside the work, already in his books, Zhanibekov spoke about the need for a national idea that would become unifying not only for the Kazakh, but for all the peoples of Kazakhstan. He died full of energy and wisdom, he was only 66 years old …

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