On the theme “Great kyishi of Great Steppe”, there was a meeting at the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Azret Sultan” of Turkestan city.
During this event, aimed at the promotion of traditional art, little-known kyu and the discussion of issues of popularization of national culture, the presentation of the book “Teriskei tolghaulary” was held.
The author of the book published with the support of the Azret Sultan State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve is Zhangali Zhuzbay, Professor at the Dombra Department of the Kazakh National University of Arts, a kyishi and an Honored Worker of Kazakhstan.
The book is dedicated to the heritage of Sugir Aliuly, the follower of Korkyt Baba, the disciple of Ykylas and the founder of Karatau School of kyuis, the kyuishi composer.
The book contains 60 rarely performed kyuis by Sugir, his teachers and pupils.
I believe that the book “Teriskei tolghaulary” will be literature of anthological character. The book will be offered to musical educational institutions as a teaching aid and to cultural institutions as musical and educational literature. The work will be of interest to all connoisseurs of kyuishy Sugir’s creativity. There are many innovations in the book. Most of it consists of previously unpublished kyuis. It also includes works by his teachers Tattimbet Kazangapuly, Ykylas Dukenuly, Saidaly sary Tok, Bapysh Kozhamzharuly, Satybaldy Begaidauly, representatives of Sugir School, including Askar Suleimenov, Myrzatay Zholdasbekov, Kobdik Karbozov, Jappas Kalambaev, Tolegen Mombekov, General Askarov and other composers. Sugir Aliyuly has a lot of unperformed kyuis yet. The cuisines are divided into sections — pre-revolutionary, Soviet period, Suzak uprising, legends of the steppe.
I spent 15 years on researching the cues included in the book, recording the notes and analyzing their music. I express my deep gratitude for the support of the staff of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Azret Sultan” said the author of the book, the famous kyuishi Zhangali Zhuzbaev.
The event was held online and was attended by the Acting Director of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Azret Sultan» Ersin Botabayevich Tazhibayev, public figure, doctor of philological sciences, professor Myrzatay Zholdasbekovich Zholdasbekov, doctor of philological sciences, professor, writer Kulbek Sarsenovich Ergobek, professor of the department «Dombira» of Kazakh National University of Arts, who exchanged opinions, kyushi, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Zhangali Alimkhanovich Zhuzbay, professor of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Madi Baidauletov, descendant of Sugir Aliuly, grandson Kaldan Tursynbayev, professor of Kurmangazy National Conservatory, Dean of «Folk Instruments» Department Erzhan Zhamenkeyev, senior teacher of Shymkent Music College Marat Anashev, as well as historians, scientists and young kyushi.