Juniorresearcher of the researchdepartment of the NationalHistorical and CulturalMuseum-Reserve»Әзірет Сұлтан» T.M.Orazovwasawarded the medal»Мәдениет саласының үздігі» by the Minister of CultureandInformation of the Republic of KazakhstanA.Balayevaon the occasion of May21– the Day of CultureandArtsWorkers.Since2008, TalgatBolatuly has been a specialist of the museum-reserve, who has shownhisdiligenceandefficiencyinvariouspositions. The specialist, who began his career as a museumcurator,then as a tour guide,nowworks as a juniorresearcher.Congratulatingourcolleagueonreceiving the award»Мәдениет саласының үздігі», we wishhimgoodhealth,family well-beingandgreatsuccess in theprofessionalfield.
Baibol B., Head of the department.