According to the decree of the Head of State dated June 12, 2018 No. 699, the first Sunday of July is established as the National Day of Dombra in the country. On the occasion of this holiday, the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Әзірет Сұлтан» together with the kindergarten «Ertostik» organized a cultural event on the theme «Dombra — the heritage of our nation». U. Zhunisbayev, a junior researcher at the museum-reserve, gave an informative lecture on the history of dombra. About 50 teachers and children took part in the event. Serikkali Meyrlan, a student of the Turkestan Art School, performed the songs «Akbulak» and «Agugai», thereby delighting the audience.
The children who spoke at the event were presented with printing products produced by the museum for children. A separate grateful letter from the director of the museum-reserve was presented to the head and teachers of the “Ertostik” nursery garden, who prepared the children for the competition.
Speaking at the end of the event, the head of the nursery garden «Ertostik» Zh.Kozhabayeva expressed gratitude to the management and organizers of the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Әзірет Сұлтан», who initiated the joint organization of the event. She noted the importance of organizing mass events.
Baibol B., Head of the department