On June1– on theeve of the International Children’s Day, a groupofchildrenandteachers of the preschoolgroup of the kindergarten»Baldyrgan»visited the NationalMuseum-Reserve»Әзірет Сұлтан». At first, the children got acquainted with medievalrelics such asTaykazan,Doors, the pommel of the Laukha banner,from the time of AmirTemir,preservedin the mausoleum of KhojaAhmedYasawi,andthen they got acquaintedwith the mausoleums of YesimKhan,TaukeKhan,Rabiya Sultan Begim,FridayMosque, the undergroundmosque of Hilvetand the exposition of the museum of the EastBath House. The pupilsandteachers of the kindergartenexpressed their gratitude to the administration of the museum-reserve,whichbroughtgreatjoy to the children,sharedtheirimpressionsandwereverysatisfied.
Baibol B., Head of the department.