In Astana, the concert hall “Astana” hosted a concert of well-known Kazakh composers Serikzhan and Alibi Abdinurov “Azret Kongan Turkіstan” organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of Astana, State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum “Azret Sultan” and the State Philharmonic of Astana . The concert was attended by the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the State Philharmonic of Astana, a chamber choir, soloists and a vocal quintet (group of singers) from the city of Pavlodar. The “Hikmetter” symphonic of our great ancestor of the dastan “Divani Hikmet” in the process of learning and the tardy of the birth of the book “Eternal” for the voice and symphony orchestra of the composer Kiev authorities must realize the importance of spiritual depth. In the romance dedicated to the voice and orchestra “Ua, Zharatkan”, he reflects on the fact that the creation “Khoja Ahmet Yasawi” is poet and symphony orchestra. In the Beit Symphony, the author chose as a solo artist. Because he is a peculiar image of a great ancestor. At the hearing, the greatest teacher, the poet, he himself studies the people’s Hikmets. For the first time in Kazakhstan, a creative evening that promotes the language of professional music and hikmets is aimed at reviving the spiritual heritage of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi. — “The honor and dignity of Turkestan, which has become the main spiritual center of the world, is obviously not reflecting on all generations. I believe that this evening is one of the most original and original works of the composer’s path. This year, Azret Sultan State Historical and Cultural Reserve «turned 40 years old, the city of Turkestan received the status of the regional center. In this historical period, we brought our role in the professional music of Hikmets of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi. At the suggestion of my friend, the director of the reserve-museum «Azret Sultan » Akhmetzhanov Nurbolat in order to study the spiritual theme and communication through music intensified the search for new ideas. The results were visible today. The concert is planned to be held in all regions of the country, as well as in the Republic of Turkey with the support of the international organization TURKSOY,” said Serikzhan Abdinurov Numerous works written in Hikmet of Yasawi were performed at the evening, including the works of traditional singers — “Ei, Suphi”, “Razul’s Rizals”, the vocal quiet from Pavlodar — “Salauat”, “Ash, ei momyn kozindi «, Kylkobizben -» Diuani hikmet «, button accordion -» Arystanbab «,» Abyz «, violins -» Kui-tolgau «, voices and orchestra -» oh, jaratkan «,» Мangilik «, orchestra -» Suishi «,» Balbal » , voice, flute and choir. — “Yasi”, symphonic dastan — “Hikmetter”, poet and symphony orchestra — “Khoja Ahmet Yasawi». At the Kazakh school of composition for the first time they performed their works on spiritual themes, were born in the Otyrar district of the Turkestan region. — «Only recently the head of state Nursultan Abishevich In the article “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe,” Nazarbayev highlighted the Turkestan. The concert, organized for the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, sang songs about people who became spiritual mentors.
Famous composers in our country, the Abdinurov brothers worked in a new way, harmoniously combining professional music and musical instruments rich in spiritual values. As part of the event, an exhibition was organized on the trips of President Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev to Turkestan, on the spiritual capital and the manuscripts of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi. At the exhibition, having familiarized themselves with the manuscripts, Astana residents listened to hikmets, sounds of various instruments, «said the director of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum» Azret Sultan «Akhmetzhanov Nurbolat Kadyrovich.
In the foyer of the concert hall of Astana for the holiday of December 1 — the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the exhibition «Elbasy and Turkestan» from the funds of the museum-reserve more than 60 exhibits were presented and collected in three parts. In the first part of the exhibition, the head of state N.A. Nazarbayev in 1985, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, the presidents of the brotherly Turkish Republic Turgut Ozal, Suleimen Demirel, Ahmet César, Abdullah Gul, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. Karimov photos reflecting official visits to Turkestan in 2018 were presented at the exhibition . In the second part of the exhibition were devoted to the heritage of the Sultan of saints Khoja Ahmet Yasawi. The invaluable legacy of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi is the handwritten and printed versions of the book “Diwani hikmet”, characteristic of the XVIIIth century, “Risollya the gift of adabi tariq”, “Nasabnama”, translated in the XIX century. The works of Navoi “Qazaly”, “Muslik al-Muttakin” by Sophie Allayar, “the precepts of Auliye”, “Diyuan” by Khoja Hafiz, “Kissalar” by Imam Magrudi, “Diuan” Auliye were presented. In the third part of the exhibition were presented photographs of the holy places and historical monuments of the Turkestan region. Currently, the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Azret Sultan», with more than 24,000 exhibits, provides a continuous service to visitors.
As is known, the possession of the Turkestan spiritual center and regional status is associated with the name of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi.
The mausoleums of Arystanbab in Otrar and Khoja Ahmet Yasawi in Turkestan are the most important centers of the Kazakh national spirituality. Our ancestors sacredly honored the shining spiritual path of truth, bequeathing us to perform the sunnah of the prophet and the duties of the Khoja Ahmet Yasawi.
The teaching of Ahmet Yasawi is distinguished by the general ideological integrity of the inner space of the Turkic culture based on Islamic philosophical and ethical values.