In the regional historical and Cultural Museum in Aktobe hosted the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Khoja Ahmed Yasawi and shezhireli Turkestan” by the National Museum-Reserve «Әзірет Сұлтан».
Vice head of the government of Aktobe region Batyrkhan Zholdas Nurlanovich, head of the regional management of culture, archives and documentation Altynai Unisovna tookpart in the meeting, Headof regional management BAYNESHOVAlibekMuktarovich, rectorof AktoberegionaluniversitynamedafterK. Zhubanova Karabasova LauraChapaevnaalso, specialists in the field of culture, history and literature, representatives of the intelligentsia, veterans and youth of the city took part.
The first head of the region ZholdasNurlanovich, underthe auspices of the friendship and integrity of the Turkestan city, the spirituality place of Yasawi in Kazakh. Healso helpedthehead of the Museum-Reserve, which providedthe opportunitytoenhanceand get acquainted with the masterpiecesof Turkestanon Aktobein selectedTurkestanandawardeda blessedpussyFrom the history ofKhoja Ahmed Yasawi, the famous historical events of the Aktobe region, the famous bi Tileu batyr and his son Zholdayak batyr were celebrated in the mausoleum.Today, the heroalso tookpart in the events and expressed interest in good ideas.The purposeoftoday’s exhibitionis the propagandaof the mainhistoryof Turkestan, the Golden Horde and the evening population of Akhmet Yasawi, a priest, and the general population of Turkic people in general.The exhibition, which will be held with the participation of Akzharkyn, will provide local residents until October 15.
Quanysh Yskak, organizer of the exhibition.