The exhibition “Heritage of Yasawi” was opened at the secondary school №8 named after N.Turekulov in Turkistan, organized by the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum “Azret Sultan”.The exhibition presented information about the great poet Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, who has a special place in the history of the Turkic peoples, his place in public life, great traces left in history, historical printed products and photographs published by the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Azret Sultan».The exhibition “Heritage of Yasawi” was opened within the framework of the traditional regional competition “Yasawitanu-2021″. The purpose of the exibition is to promote the spiritual heritage and teachings of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, the works of people buried in the mausoleum of «Azret Sultan», as well as the history of Turkistan, valuable medieval artifacts from the Amir Temur era and museum activities.
Exhibition “ Heritage of Yasawi” was presented