The exhibition «Historical heritage» dedicated to the 88th anniversary of the state and public figure, scientist-ethnographer, Uzbekali Zhanibekov, organized by «Azret Sultan» the State Historical and Cultural Preserve-Museum under the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The exhibition, which was held for the tenth time on the birthday of the scientist and ethnographer Uzbekekali Zhanibekov, the founder of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum “ Azret Sultan”, who made a great contribution to the return of the sacred Taikazan, was attended by the deputy director of “Azret Sultan” the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum — M. Tastanbekov, a student and his colleague Kanat Tuyakbaev, deputy chairman of Turkestan city council of veterans — Klaviatay Dosybekov, sister of O. Zhanibekov — Ayganym Serim and took part representatives of the media