In the city of Turkestan, with the participation of the Minister of Sports and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aktota Raimkulova, employees of institutions subordinate to the Ministry planted 300 saplings of trees.
— According to the instructions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on the development of the concept of celebrating Nauryz and enriching the content of the holiday, given in the article «Independence is most expensive», the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan has prepared new methods of the concept. The first step in this direction was the action «Taza tabigat», announced by the Head of State.
One of the educational goals of the Nauryz holiday is a careful attitude to nature, landscaping of the native land. These days, according to tradition, people clean ditches, residents plant trees. We started the work on planting trees and landscaping with the participation of cultural workers from the city of Turkestan. This good work will continue in all regions, » said Aktoty Rakhmetollakyzy.
Within the framework of the campaign «Nauryz – a holiday of cleanliness and care for the environment», the management and employees of the University of Tourism and Hospitality, the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Azret-Sultan», the State Archaeological Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve» Otyrar State Archaeological Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «took part in the events on landscaping and landscaping of the territory of the city of Turkestan, planting birch trees, elm trees and tui along the road leading to the new airport.