The eighth annual conference is held by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the State Historical and Cultural Preserve-Museum «Azret Sultan» and the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Akhmet Yassawi. Raimkulova Aktoty Rahmetollakyzy,…
Photo exhibition continues in the framework of the program article of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NA Nazarbayev in the program «Orientation to the future: spiritual restoration», program «Seven sides of the…
Vice minister of culture and sport Nurgisa Daueshov has arrived in Turkestan with a special visit. During his visit to the regional center, the Vice Minister got acquainted with the museum making of the Big…
Cultural and educational event «My Elders — my treasure» was held on October 1 — International Day of Older Persons organized by the State Historical and Cultural Preserve- Museum «Azret Sultan». The event was attended…
Today in the conference hall of State Enterprise «State Historical and Cultural Preserve-Museum» Hazret Sultan «a meeting was held with the experts of the Center for the Study of Religious Problems of the Department of…
Today in Turkestan T. Bigeldinov, N.Toreikulov, A.Nauai secondary schools had a lecture entitled «Person of Hodja Akhmet Yassawi and Divani Hikmet compilation». The event dedicated to cognition and education was organized by the State Historical…
Today, the scientific and practical seminar on «Preservation and research of Textile Products in Kazakhstan» was held by the State Historical and Cultural Preserve-Museum «Azret Sultan» under the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the…
«Azret Sultan» the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum organized the opening ceremony of the » Returned exhibits » exhibition dedicated to the 620th anniversary of the flooding of the sacred Taikazan and the 30th anniversary…
On August 30, in honor of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Azret Sultan» of Turkestan organized the event «Ata Zan — Kemeldіlіk Kepіli»(The Constitution is a…
The photo exhibition «Nuclear Tests — Eternal Disaster» was organized by «Azret Sultan» the State Historical and Cultural Preserve-Museum under the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event, dedicated to…