Excursionary of the state historical-cultural reserve-museum «Azret Sultan» Ardak Beisenova gave a lecture in secondary school №8 named after Torekulov. Pupils and teachers attended a lecture. The door of the Tai kazan room is 3.7…
Scientific and methodical expedition «Truth from the legend», organized by the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum «Azret Sultan». Members of the expedition’s first tour of Turkestan, including Shornak and Kosmezgil, spoke to their contemporaries…
On the threshold of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the cultural event «Museum Night» was held in the Mausoleum of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi. Historical, spiritual and cognitive events held by the State…
The exhibition «Lessons of the Great Steppe» dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the People’s Writer, public and public figure Abish Kekilbayev and People’s writer, poet, public figure Fariza Ongarsynova was organized by the State…
Works on reconstruction of the castle of Citadel are located on the eastern part of the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. The broken castle and staircase of the castle fortifications are renewed and the outer…
The exhibition «Karl Baypakov — knight of archeology» dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Karl Moldahmetovich Baipakov was opened at the secondary school № 24 in Turkestan organized by the state historical and cultural reserve…
Minister of Culture and Sports Aktoty Raiymkulova met with culture workers of the Turkestan Province. Aktytu Rakhmetollaevna reported on the measures taken by the Ministry to implement the Address of the Head of State, Kassym-Jomart…
Landscaping at the Zhusip Ata Mausoleum of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum «Hazret Sultan» took place. With the help of local sponsors, the gates were built and the asphalt road was built. Also,…
A group of tourists from Kyrgyzstan came to the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Hazret Sultan». In the group of Kyrgyzstan tourists who came to visit historical sites of Turkestan also was tourists from other…
Historical-ethnographic museum «Karashyk» was opened in honor of the 2000 year anniversary of the settlement of Karashyk in Kentau city. The museum’s umbrella with the State Historical and Cultural Preserve-Museum «Azret Sultan» and the Akimat…