Barak khan was the son of Tursyn khan, grandson of Koday mende sultan. He was from Djadik dynasty. The year of Barak’s birth is unknown. Date of his death approximately February-March of 1750. Barak was known as Kyryksan Barak sultan, Barak khan, Small barak, barak sultan, Sultan Barak batyr. He ruled as khan from August-September of 1749 till February-March of 1750. (Artykbaev, 2001: 139). Barak khan had seven sons: Sygai, Bukei, Kankozha, Dayir, Khanbababa, Maman, Nuraly (Erofeeva, 2001: 121). Barak khan was one of famous Kazakh commanders at the end of 20s, beginning of 30s of XVIII century. He fought against Dzungarians, Karakalpaks and Kalmyks. Before becoming a khan, Barak ruled his race. Middle zhuz bey, Kazybek Keldibek uly supported him. In November 1742 he officially accepted authority of Russia. However, as conquered tribes located to the east, he sent presents to Kaldan Tseren (1727–1745), Dzungarian Khong Tayiji several times, while in the beginning of 1744 sent his son Tsygay as hostage to Dzungaria instead of Abulfeiz sultan, son of Abulmambet, who had already lived there as hostage. By mid 30s he was one of the main enemies and opponents of Abulhair. Barak khan obtained support from Orenburg general-governor I.I. Neplyuev (1742–1759) (Erofeeva, 1997: 116–118). In July of 1748, Russian ambassador M. Tevkelev visited Abulhair khan and solved all issues under dispute. It was ordered to beys and sultans, khan’s supporters “to submit to authority of Abulkhair”. But aggression from khan’s opponents increased gradually. Abulkhair khan’s people attacked ambassadors of Kayip, Khiva’s khan, who carried a present for Barak khan, which led to armed conflict between Kayip and Barak khan. During one of such conflicts, Barak killed Abulkahir. There is enough historical records about Barak khan. Shoqan Waliqhanov and V.V. Velyaminov-Zernov wrote about him. In 1749, under influence of Tole bi, Middle and Senior zhuz elders elect Barak to be khan. But Dzungarian Khan Tsevan-Dorji-Adji-Namjil orders to capture him by any means. In 1750, Dzungarian spies poisoned Barak khan at ancient settlement Karnak. He was buried in Turkestan.