His years of birth and death are unknown. There is no information in scientific literature of Baitemir sultan years of life. Only in O. Dastanov’s book “Truth about sacred places”, published in 1967 by publishing house “Kazakhstan”, you can find following information: “…Currently, the gravestones condirmed for the list of people buried here. This includes names, race, years of death A.H. (there is 580 year difference between AH and our era) of buried people. While the next page of the book says: “There are gravestones at the entrance with writings”, it includes “Baitemir sultan, the years of his life are unknown”. (Dastanov, 1967: 25–26) Moreover, in the book of A.G. Olovintsev and G.Zh. Tabuldina “Chingisids” following information is written: “Bai-Temir (Baimur), the son of Tukai Timur” (Olovintsev, 2010). But it doesn’t contain any information of Baitemir (Baimur) date of birth or death, his title, life and burial place. It is known that Tukai Temir was the thirteens son of Jochi, Period of his life was middle of ХІІІ century. There is reason to believe that Baitemir, the son of Tokai Timur lived in the second half of ХІІІ century. Considering that burials nearby mausoleum of Azret-Sultan started from XI century (Kokyras khan – ХІ century, Aulie khan – ХІ c., Shornagat khan – ХІ c., Ilyas khan – ХІ c., Saad-Aulie (Zholbarys khan) – XI c.), historical data about Baitemir sultan require researches and scientific analysis. Unfortunately, this gravestone is one of lost and didn’t last till nowadays.