The scientific council, organized by the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Azret Sultan» of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved the historical data on the burial of twelve more people near the mausoleum of Hodja Ahmed Yassavi.
— At each meeting of the council established at the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Azret Sultan», scientific concepts are approved by historians and scientists after careful analysis, study and discussion. There may still be many unidentified khans, sultans, batyrs and dancers around the religious figure Hodja Ahmed Yassavi. Currently, extensive research is being conducted in this area.
Relevant work has been carried out to determine the history of the twelve people included in today’s list, as a result of which data and information about them have been collected in full. Well-known scientists of the country provide information about other people who are not included in the list. This issue will be addressed in the future. In addition, during the meeting, Konyrshunak Erdes Shurenuly, who is still in the category of the best buried in the mausoleum, was transferred to the list of heroes. «Although there is little information about Erdes Batyr Shurenuly, who was an authoritative, famous dancer, hero and Datka in his time, there are many legends about his bravery, heroism and Datka activity,» he said. — Director of the Cultural Reserve-Museum Nurbolat Akhmetzhanov.
According to the member of the Academic Council, historian, scientist M.Tuyakbayev, the list of burials in the mausoleum of Hodja Ahmed Yassavi and its vicinity includes Zholbarys khan (Sa’d Aulie), Abdilla khan, Bibi Hisab, Kazybek bi, Shon bi, Abylai khan, Suyunish khan. , Kokiras khan, Aulie khan, Shornagat khan, Ilyas khan. However, for some reason, such people as Markadi Munnavara Paklar, Fam lover, Shihab ad-din Sarwar, Sheikh Najim ad-din, Baba Gharib, Undemes Ata, Zhety Ata, Ushbas Ata, Sultan Ibrahim were not included.
— In the fund of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Azret Sultan» there is a manuscript of Sadyk Sapabekuly (year of birth and death unknown) on the etiquette of pilgrimage. He visited the mausoleum of Hodja Ahmed Yassavi in 1907 and wrote about how to create a pilgrimage etiquette. During the pilgrimage, he recited the Koran and showed the places of prayer. They are: Zholbarys khan (Sa’d Aulie), two main prayers in the mosque, Bagdizan Ak Topyrak auliye, recitation of surahs «Fatiha», «Ikhlas», «al-Kursi», «Mulk», Markadi Munnavara Paklar, Abdullah khan, Bibi Hisab, Saints of the Kazakh people — Kazybek bi, Shon bi, etc. Introduction, Fam gashyk zikirshi, Shihab ad-din Sarwar, Ali Khoja Ata, Sheikh Najim ad-din, Baba Garib, Undemes Ata, Zhety Ata, Ushbas Ata, Sultan Ibrahim, Imam Marguzi-Kok Tondy Ata, Koshshi Ata (Kushata), Gaukhar Ana visited the Lion Baba and wrote down the need to spend the night. Sadyk Sapabekuly saw all these places during his visit to Turkestan and dedicated the Koran to the deceased. Of these, the burial places are clear, except for Pham’s beloved monk, Ushbas Ata. Jamila is, in fact, the daughter of Hodja Ahmed Yassavi. This is stated in the report on the study of the mausoleum of Gaukhar Ana, «said Marat Kymyzovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences.
According to the members of the Academic Council, in Masson’s work «Mausoleum of H.A Yasavi» about Jamila «in 1896 near the mausoleum of Hodja Ahmed Yasawi in Turkestan there is a mausoleum of his daughter Jamal, and not far from the mausoleum there is a mausoleum of Gauhar-Khustadzh.» data can be found. Other manuscripts also contain information about Jamila, the daughter of Yasawi’s representative. Yasawi scholar D.Kenzhetai also confirms that the «Nasabnama» kept in the house of Turkestan Nazhimov Orazbay contains the daughter of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi named Zhamal.
According to Shahabaddin Isfidjabi (Hazrat Mullah), who has not been included in the list so far, he came from Isfidjab together with Hodja Ahmed Yassavi. According to some sources, he was also Yassavi’s teacher.
The tomb of Hodja Ali, one of the people included in the list, is kept in the room of the Small Aksaray. The inscription on the tombstone was translated by textologist A. Derbisaliev in 1978-1980. There is an inscription: «Mr. Mir Osmanbay from Tashkent, Karimbay died in 1916.»
Today, the number of religious and spiritual figures buried in the mausoleum is 51, 17 people buried in the Temir, Shaiban dynasties and the Kazakh Khanate, 21 Kazakh khans, 8 sultans, 23 bi, 63 heroes, 5 dear mothers, 10 datka and bolys, The names of 30 good people are known.