In 2024-2025, in the city’s schools it was planned to hold extracurricular open lessons and practical classes in museums. In the museum’s center, the “Yasawitanu” club and B. Momyshuly Secondary School № 22 held an open lesson on the topic «The Alash movement and the Kazakh national Idea». The open lesson was held under the guidance of the history teacher of secondary school № 22 named after B.Momyshuly Serdalieva Sarsenkul. Students of the 8th grade of the school in an open lesson were divided into three groups: Alikhan, Akhmet, Mirzhakyp and exchanged knowledge among themselves.
The open lesson was organized using new methods. The open lesson was attended by the deputy director of the museum-reserve, candidate of historical sciences, professor M.Tastanbekov and the head of the Research Department B.Baibol, who told about the visit of the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi by “Alash” figures M. Dulatov, S. Seifullin, J. Aimautov. At the same time, they noted the rich heritage and services to the country about the figures of “Alash” from Turkestan N.Undasynov, S. Kozhanov, S. Utegenov, K. Kozhykov.
At the end of the lesson, the teachers of secondary school № 22 named after B. Momyshuly expressed gratitude to the management of the museum-reserve, the “Yasawitanu” club for the opportunity to conduct an open lesson.
The head of the department B.Baibol