An international scientific-practical conference «The Heritage of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi and Turkestan» has started in Turkestan

The eighth annual conference is held by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the State Historical and Cultural Preserve-Museum «Azret Sultan» and the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Akhmet Yassawi.

Raimkulova Aktoty Rahmetollakyzy, the Minister of Culture and Sport, read out a congratulatory message on the international scientifically-practical conference «The Heritage of Hodja Akhmet Yassawi and Turkestan» by the Director of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum «Azret Sultan» Nurbolat Akhmetzhanov.

«Dear participants of the conference, We congratulate you on the opening of the international scientific and practical conference» The Hodja Akhmet Yassawi’s Heritage and Turkestan «organized by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev in the framework of the program article» Future-oriented: spiritual revival «, program» Seven sides of the Great Steppe » congratulations!
For the Kazakh people and the entire Turkic people, the holy Turkestan and the saints of the saints, the leader of the spiritual education of Khodja Akhmet Yassawi are distinguished for our entire Muslim community. The head of state said: «Turkestan and its great building are closely connected with the fate of the present state of Kazakh nation. He is a great source of respect for our national freedoms and of our fundamental people, «he said.
So, the museum has a place in the area of ​​spirituality and historical and cultural heritage for more than 40 years, «reads the congratulatory letter.

In honor of the 60th anniversary of the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Zh. Artykbayev, a letter of gratitude from the Governor of Turkestan region Umirzak Shukeyev and the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum «Azret Sultan» and the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmet Yassawi were handed over special prizes .

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician, M. Myrzakhmetov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Zh. Artykbayev, Director of the Institute of History of the State, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor B. Aiyagan, Director of Research Center, Ph.D., Professor D. Kenzhetai, Professor of Marmara University N.Tosun, Istanbul, Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, Yasawi Oaks Chief Editor of Yasawi Foundation I.Isevi, Candidate of Historical Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan N.Abdulahatov, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor T.Aitalieva, Leading Researcher of the M.Auezov Literature and Art Institute, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor T. Kydyr and famous public and domestic scientists, experts in the museum.

The purpose of the conference is to examine and explore the spiritual heritage of Khoja Ahmed Yassawi in the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Turkic peoples. Because the heritage of Yassawi, which is the core of the spiritual world of the Turkic peoples, has yet to be studied in its own way and has not been properly evaluated by scientists. The scientific knowledge of Yassawi’s heritage serves to forming the national idea of ​​the independent Kazakhstan and the Kazakh people, strengthening the spiritual independence of the Kazakh people and the principles of the peaceful coexistence of the people of Kazakhstan. Moreover, reading and studying Yassawi’s teachings contributes to the continuity of tradition of continuing traditions of ancestors not to lose consciousness of the generations, and thus helping to remain spiritually strong nations.

The Conference will be held in plenary and sectional areas, where scientists from Yassawi’s history will explore.

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