One of the most valuable tree-like relics from the fund of the Azret Sultan Museum is Adalbakan. Adalbakan — equipment for hanging clothes and other household items. Adalbakan was inside the yurt, near the door. It was not included in the backbone of the yurt, but it was one of those things that the master always made. The word «Adalbakan» comes from the Persian word «adal», which meant halal, that is, pure, sacred pure. The word «Bakan» is a single-headed, forked tree used to raise the shanyrak of a yurt. In the popular understanding, adalbakan was considered sacredly pure property. Adalbakan, kept in the funds of the museum, is made of pyramidal wood and installed on four pedestals. Along the circumference of it there are four buds, carved like an elongated drop. Decorative metal hinges are installed on top. Size: һ-217cm d-50 cm Һg-12×35 cm. The color is brown, with three iron hooks at the top. Decorated with carvings of plant origin. To create the ornaments, the craftsmen used drawings of plants and flowers. This unique exhibit was donated to the museum by the restoration workshop of the Almaty Kazmuzey in 1978. Full name. by G. I. Zhalmakanov.
Adalbakan, XX c.