A travelling exhibition «Heritage left over from ancestors» was opened in Turkestan

On the eve of the Great Holiday of Nation-Nauryz, for tourists visiting Turkestan, the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Azret Sultan» organized a travelling exhibition «Heritage left over from ancestors» which is aimed to promote the valuable ethnographic heritage of the Kazakh people.
The exhibition presents more than 80 exhibits from the funds of the Turkestan Regional Museum of local lore with a history of more than 100 years.

Deputy director of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Azret Sultan» Yersin Tazhibayev opened the exhibition with a welcoming speech and wished success in the presentation of historical exhibits.

The exhibition consists of three sections.
The section of Kazakh jewelry promotes the art and history of jewelry. Kazakh jewelry has a special place in the history of national culture. The origins of this art form go back thousands of years. Kazakh jewelers often worked individually and taught the secrets of their art from generation to generation. Jewelry for women is one of the most popular jewelry items. The exhibition presents a variety of women’s earrings, headscarves, amulets, neck amulets, buttons, women’s belts, bracelets and straps for long hair. These ornaments were used not only for luxury, but also directly related to Customs and beliefs. Therefore, a citizen of any social environment, as a rule, tried to own and wear different jewelry.
The second section was called «Kazakh textile art».
Unique works adapted to nomadic life have a special place in the art of the Kazakh people. It is impossible to single out from the life of the people such works of art that were created by our masters. After all, these items decorated the life of the country and gave people spiritual pleasure.

In the third section, a collection of carved wooden dishes was presented.
A person who is familiar with the Kazakh hospitality understands that every dish on the table has a long history, which has contributed to the adaptation to the nomadic way of life. Some of the Kazakh national dishes are served at special times, in special dishes for a special guest. In this regard, every meal of Kazakhs is based on great upbringing and respect. The exhibition also featured wooden dishes used in the Kazakh way of serving food, gifts to guests: trays, plates, ladles, kymiz plates and cups.

The exhibition presents the works of the famous master of wood carving Yakiya Auelbekov, who recreates the ancient culture of the Kazakh people. Yakiya Alimbekuly makes his work from local apple, pear, walnut and elm trees. The fact that the works of the craftsman, who reveal the secrets of various trees, continue the cultural heritage of our people is an example for others, a legacy for future generations.

The exhibition will run until March 28.

The press service of the state historical and cultural museum-reserve «Azret Sultan»

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