Todayin the NationalHistorical and CulturalMuseum-Reserve»Әзірет Сұлтан»inhonor of the celebration of the RepublicDay, a roundtablemeeting was heldwith the participation of scientists— Doctor of Historical Sciences, ProfessorM.Kozhа, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate ProfessorZ.Zhandarbek, who participatedin the development of the multi-volume»History of Kazakhstan». The roundtable meeting with the participation of the managementandscientificspecialists,employees of the museum-reserve was led by the director of the NationalMuseum-Reserve»Әзірет Сұлтан»M.Sadykbekov. The head of the museum-reservefirst of allfocusedon the purposeandtask of holdingtoday’s roundtable.ThentheDoctorof Historical Sciences,ProfessorM.Kozha,oneof the authors of the multi-volume book «History of Kazakhstan», spoke.Hewrote a sectionon the culture of the cities of Kazakhstan of the XIII-XVIIcenturies. ThebookpresentsnewscientificdataonancientcitiesinKazakhstansuchasTurkestan,Taraz,Otrar,Saraishyk,Almaty,etc. It should be especiallynotedthatinoneof the jarsfoundin the city of Saraishyk, the words of J.Balasagun are written in theTurkiclanguage,andthisinformationwill be recordedin the book.Oneof the authors of the multi-volume book «History of Kazakhstan», Candidate of Historical Sciences Z. Zhandarbek. He presentedresearchpaperson the history of the GoldenHordeera. The scientist-archaeologist, Candidate of Historical Sciences M.Tuyakbayev,listinginformationconcerning the history of the city of Turkestan,expressedhisopinionon the personsburiedin the vicinity of the mausoleum.
The head of the department B.Baibol