The National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Azret Sultan» 2021-2023 within the framework of grant projects «comprehensive study of the socio-economic and cultural history of the city of Turkestan in the middle of the XIX–early XXI centuries», «history of spiritual underground mosques of Kazakhstan and the underground mosque «Hilvet». At the end of 2023, 2 (two) monographs, 1 (one) textbook, 1 (one) book on archival documents were published as part of two projects. In particular, H. Tursun, M. Tuyakbayev, M. Isaev, M. Tastanbekov, B.Baibolov, S. Shametov «History and activity of spiritual underground mosques in Kazakhstan», Dinasheva L. S., Sandybayeva A.D., Tastanbekov M. M., Tursun H. M., Rakhimzhan K. A. monograph «Socio–economic and cultural history of the city of Turkestan mid-XIX-early XXI century», Sandybaeva A.D., Tastanbekov M. M., Dinasheva L. S., Rakhimzhan K. A. Textbook «History of the city of Turkestan» and Tastanbekov M. M., Tursun H. M., Sandybaeva A.D., Dinasheva L. S., Rakhimzhan K. A., Baibolov B. K., Shametov S. T. «History of the city of Turkestan: in archival documents and materials». The International University of Tourism and Hospitality hosted a presentation of the books of the museum-reserve published as part of a scientific project, as well as a meeting with the authors. The authors of the book Ph.D., Professor L. Dinasheva «history of the city of Turkestan» textbook, Ph.D., Professor M. Tastanbekov «history of the city of Turkestan: archival documents and materials», Ph.D., Associate Professor A.Sanydbayeva «The middle of the XIX century – monograph socio-economic and cultural history of the Turkestan city in the XXI centuries beginning», B. Baibolov, S. Shametov was informed about the research work on monography «The history and activities of spiritual underground mosques in Kazakhstan». At the end of the meeting, the authors of the books published within the framework of the scientific project donated the books to the library of the International University of Tourism and Hospitality.
Head of the department B.Baibolov