Today, in honor of the Republic Day, a solemn meeting was held at the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Әзірет Сұлтан”. Opening the solemn event, the director of the museum-reserve Maulen Sadykbekov Zharylkasynovich, congratulated the audience on the national holiday and noted the importance of celebrating the Republic Day. And he noted that the creation of a just Kazakhstan is the direct task of every citizen of Kazakhstan, including the staff of the museum-reserve. «Therefore, each of us must faithfully carry out our task”, said the director of the museum-reserve. After that, M. Sadykbekov presented a number of employees of the museum-reserve with awards that were presented in honor of the holiday. The scientist-archaeologist of the museum-reserve, Ph.D.Tuyakbayev Marat — was awarded a certificate of Honor by the city government of the region, the guide Abdrasilov Berikbai Kurmanbayevich — a letter of thanks from the city government, Zholdasov Tolkyn Makhanbetovich (curator of the fund), Adilbayeva Dina Askhatovna (archivist), Samkhanov Dadazhan Zakirzhanovich (worker) — a letter of thanks from the city government. The certificate of honor of the trade union organization was awarded to Beisenbai Kuanysh Beisenbaevich (tour guide), Rustemova Lazzat Ermakhanovna (accountant), Toikaraev Ashirbek Torlanbaevich (worker), Ubaydullaev Ubaydulla (worker). A letter of thanks from the director of the museum-reserve was awarded to: Tursynov Agadil Khazretalievich (TMEF inspector), Abdumannapov Serzhan Bakytgalievich (programmer), Kojibaev Zhanatbek Anvarbekovich (huntsman), Zhuzbaev Azamat Suleimenovich (huntsman), Ryspanbetova Zhanat Alpysbaevna (janitor). We congratulate you, with national holiday of the country — Republic Day! And with the award of our colleagues awarded in honor of this great holiday!
