Competition commission results

This year, the Aziret Sultan National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve has undergone significant structural changes. Following the directive of President K. Tokayev to establish a center for researching and promoting Yasawi’s legacy, the Yasawitanu Research Center was founded as part of the museum-reserve, along with the opening of the Yasawi Museum. Additionally, new departments were established, including the Legal and Documentation Department, the Museum Pedagogy Department, the Exhibition and Display Activities Department, the Public Relations Department, and the Architectural Restoration Department. In this regard, 77 new positions have been added to the Aziret Sultan National Museum-Reserve’s staffing plan for 2025.

On January 16, the museum-reserve announced a competition for vacant positions. Out of 120 applicants, 46 demonstrated their qualifications and expertise. According to the final decision of the competition commission, they have been hired and officially started their duties today, February 17.

A new competition for the remaining vacancies will be announced in the coming days. Therefore, those interested in working at the Aziret Sultan National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve are encouraged to prepare in advance.


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