This year we reported that an archeological team led by Aisulu Askarovna has located the Caravanserai near the Takiya Gate. Particular attention is paid to the special cavities in the walls of the Great Caravanserai, which store documents and valuables. The caravanserai has a reception room, a courtyard, warehouses, caravan rooms, a prayer room, and a one-room bath called «muricha».
Aisulu Askarovna, who has already achieved many archeological achievements, has published more than 30 scientific articles on excavations. He is also one of the authors of the monograph «Early medieval cemeteries of South Kazakhstan», published in 2005.
Historian Aisulu Askarovna has been actively involved in many excavations in the country since 1998 and is the only specialist who has left his mark on the location of historical cities. He was a member of the excavations at the Ural and Kyryk plagues in the West Kazakhstan region, in the settlements of Zhuantobe, Karaspan, Turkestan, Sidak, Shoitobe, Kultobe, Sauran in the Turkestan region and in the burials of Borizhar, Taltakay, Kuyik Mardan. served.
He is also the author of the project «Carrying out complex archeological works in the Tamgaly stone gorge in Suzak district within the program» Spiritual Revival «.
From 2015 to present, he participates in the study of the towns of Kultobe, Sauran, Shoitobe in Turkestan region. This year, the location of the Caravanserai near the Takiya Gate revealed new historical data.
?Scientific works and books and articles of Aisulu Askarovna:
1. Erzhigitova AA Brief results of field research of the Turkestan Archaeological Expedition in 1999. News MON NAN RK. Social science series. 1 (224), Almaty, 2000. p.209-215. (co-authored with Smagulov EA, Tuyakbaev MK,)
2. Ержигитова А. Brief results of field research TAE Zh. News MON RK, NAN RK, sir. general sciences, №1,2000, pp.209-215. (co-authors Smagulov EA, Tuyakbaev M.)
3. Ержигитова А. Research of the Middle Ages in the suburbs of Uralsk. Sat. Questions of history and archeology of western Kazakhstan. Uralsk, 2002, pp.135-167. (co-authors: Baipakov KM, Smagulov EA).
4. Ержигитова А. Excavations of the Borizhar cemetery. «Archaeological research in Kazakhstan». Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference «Margulan readings-14», Shymkent-Almaty, 2002, pp.122-125.
5. Ержигитова А. Ancient and medieval decorations of the Turkestan oasis. Cultural heritage of South Kazakhstan (collection of articles dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan regional museum of history and local lore). Shymkent, 2002. p. 56-57.
6. Ержигитова А. Report on the work in the excavation of the IV Zhaik town.- Sat .: Questions of history and archeology of Western Kazakhstan. Uralsk, 2003, pp.163-172. (co-authors: Baipakov KM, Smagulov EA)
7. Ержигитова А. Burial structures of the necropolis of the town of Sidak. J. News MON RK, NAN RK, sir. general science, №1, 2004, pp.285-302. №1, 2004, p.84-93. (co-authored with Smagulov EA).
8. Erzhigitova AA Work of the South-Kazakhstan complex archeological expedition // New researches on archeology of Kazakhstan: Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference «Margulan reading-15». Almaty. 2004. pp.169-192 (co-authored with Baipakov KM, Voyakin DA)
9. Ержигитова А. The work of the South-Kazakhstan complex archeological expedition. New research on archeology of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference «Margulan readings — 15». Almaty, 2004, pp.169-193. (co-authors Baipakov KM, Voyakin DA, Savelieva TV, Shardenova ZZ, Akhatov GA, Sherbaev RK)
10. Baipakov KM, Smagulov EA, Erzhigitova AA Early Middle Ages necropolises of South Kazakhstan. Almaty, Baur, 2005.
11. Erzhigitova AA Architectural monuments of Sauran. Magazine «Museums of Kazakhstan», №8,2006, p.24-26.
12. Ержигитова А. Examination of the tomb of Borizhary. Report on archeological research on the state program «Cultural Heritage-2004». Almaty, 2005. pp.183-187.
13. Erzhigitova AA Friday mosque in Sauran registry // Report on archeological researches on the state program «Cultural heritage-2006». Almaty, 2007. (co-authored with Smagulov EA and Tuyakbaev MK) (in Kazakh pp. 63-66, in Russian pp. 173-176)
14. Ержигитова А. Research of Ancient Sauran Izvestia NAN RK, ser.obsh.nauk, 1, 2009, p.236-257. (co-author — Smagulov EA).
15. AA Erzhigitova. Research of ancient Sauran 2. News of NAN RK. A series of social sciences. 1 (247). Almaty NAN RK.s.226-243. (co-author — Smagulov EA).
16. To the origin of one Chacha dynasty. Izvestia NAN RK, ser.obsh.nauk, 1, 2009, p.168-174. (co-author-Smagulov EA, Demidenko SV).
17. On the origin of one of the ancient dynasties of Chacha (Middle Syrdarya region). Transoxiana 14, Agosto 2009 Index 14 ISSN 1666-7050 (co-authored by Smagulov EA, Demidenko SV)
18. Ержигитова А. Findings from Sidak: spun or buttons? // Integration of archeological and ethnographic research: a collection of scientific works. Part 1 (Ed. NA Tomilov). Kazan: In-t istorii im.Sh.Marjani AN RT, 2010, p. 115-119. (co-author — Krupa TN)
19. Erzhigitova AA B. Nurmukhanbetova’s contribution to the study of burial monuments of South Kazakhstan. // Questions of archeology of Kazakhstan. Collection of scientific articles. Issue 3. — Almaty, 2011. 584 p., Ill. P.106 -118.
20. Erzhigitova AA Report on the research in the central square of Sauran. Report on archeological researches on the State program «Cultural heritage» for 2010. Almaty, 2011. Science. P.132-135. (co-authors Smagulov EA, Lushpenko ON)
21. Ержигитова А. Sauran is a city of Guzk merchants // Ancient material culture of Turkmenistan and its place in the development of world civilization. Conference materials. Ashgabat, 2011. (co-author Smagulov EA).
22. Erzhigitova AA Tombstone Borizhary. // Margulanov readings -2011. Proceedings of the International Archaeological Conference. Astana, April 20-22, 2011 — Astana: ENU named after LN Gumileva. 2011. — p.248-252.
23. Erzhigitova AA To study the burial structures of the Otrar oasis (burial platforms) // Questions of archeology of Kazakhstan. Collection of scientific articles. Issue 3. — Almaty, 2011. 584 p., Ill. P.142-164.
24. Erzhigitova AA Opening of the architectural complex of the citadels of ancient Yasy / Turkestan. // Materials of the international scientific conference: «Archeology of Kazakhstan in the era of independence: results and prospects», dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of the Institute of Archeology named after AH Margulan KN — Almaty, 2011. v.3. P.61-71. (co-authors Smagulov EA, Torgoev AA).
collection of articles. — QUESTIONS OF ARCHAEOLOGY OF KAZAKHSTAN. Issue 3. Collection
scientific articles. — Almaty, 2011.
25. Erzhigitova AA Construction materials and architectural objects of the citadels of ancient Turkestan // Actual problems of archeology of Eurasia. Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 25th anniversary of the Institute of Archeology named after AH Margulana (October 18-19, 2016). — Almaty: Institute of Archeology named after AH Margulana, 2016. — P. 507 — 535. (together with EA Smagulov, S. Zakirov).
26. Erzhigitova AA Ancient citadel of the city of Turkestan // III International Congress of Medieval Archeology of the Eurasian steppes «Between the East and the West: the movement of culture, technology and empire» / otv. ed. NN Kradin, A.G. Ситдиков. — Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2017. pp. 247-252. (Together with EA Smagulov).
27. The city of Sauran // Ancient cities of Turkestan region ”. Almaty Kitap Publishing House, 2018. pp. 41-66.
28. Sidak city // Scientific-educational book «Ancient cities of Turkestan region». Almaty Kitap Publishing House, 2018. pp. 67-84.
29. Shoitobe city // Ancient cities of Turkestan region ”. Almaty Kitap Publishing House, 2018. pp. 105-120.
30. From Altai to the Caspian Sea. Atlas of natural, historical and cultural monuments and sights of Kazakhstan. P.93.