Information about Sangyl Duisen Bi Sauranbaiuly was provided by O. Dastanov, the chief curator of the state historical and cultural reserve-museum “Azret Sultan”. A truthful report about the sacred places of Almaty. In his book published in 1967, he noted that he heard and recorded from the lips of the servants of the sacred site. Unfortunately, there is practically no information about Sangyl Duisen Bi Sauranbaiuly. In nothing but genealogy, Sangyl is a Konyrat tribe of the Medium Juz. According to genealogic information, Sangyl is divided into: agysay, samay, nursay, koshkar, karatiles, ties. According to one of the legends, when Genghis Khan was enthroned, being carried on a white felt, Sangyl Bi was one of the biys who participated in this ceremony. According to legend (A. Kekilbayev) Genghis Khan gave his blessing to Sangyl biy (Senkele, Sengele, Sankele): “Let there be a battle cry — Konyrat, bird – the eagle, tree – the apple, mark – the moon” (Otrar encyclopedia. — A., 2005, p. 322). Another legend says: “The battle cry is Konyrat, bird is the golden eagle, mark is a double aleph.” Until 1917, the Sangyls lived in the Turkestan district of the Syrdarya region, on the northern and southern sides of Karatau, Kozmoldak, Syzgan, Kumisti, Bakyrly, Ushtobe, Zhartytobe, Mynshukur, Shylbyr, Kokish (now Suzak, Turkestan districts) of the Turkestan region. The Nogaykor and Kokshekum volosts were established. Battle cry — Mulkaman, common mark for Konyrat — II (threshold).