Article written by A. Mukhtar “Life and activity of Uali Abylai uly”, with publication number 3 from the series of “History of home land” in 2013, says: “he appointed Khanqozha to be khan instead of Abulfeiz sultan (wife of passed Barak sultan brought Khanqozha, who was taken as hostage by Abulfeiz) and shared Middle zhuz power [15, pages 85–86]. On opinion of I.G. Andreeva, even though naiman tribes invited Bopy and Khanqozha sultans to rule the khanate after Abulfeiz’s death, after deliberations and considering efficient connection with China, they elected Khanqozha as ruler”. As noted in provided materials, Bopy was biological, while Khanqozha adopted son of Abulfeiz. Also this article says that: “Attention was paid to Abulfeiz sultan, who opened a question about opening trade center for Kazakh people living in Semipalatinsk kurgan, and naiman tribes he ruled. They fully take into consideration that in 1784, son of Bopy buried Abulfeiz in Turkestan and his next son Bolat becomes khan”, and reference to I.G. Andreev “Description of Kyrgyz-Kaisaks of Middle Horde” (Abilseit, 2013: 81–90). There were no other information about Bopy sultan and Abulfeiz uly.